Autograph Books
This past weekend we got our Disney magic going by making our autograph books for our upcoming Disney Vacation in June. I have done a variety of different things with autograph books throughout the years from ordering a book through companies such as Shutterfly to purchasing the basic ones offered by Disney. This time around, our kids are old enough that I wanted to get them involved in the process of making them so to Pinterest we went for ideas and then we did our best to recreate them in our own way. Here is what we did.
Plain Sketch Books
I knew that I wanted basic spiral bound notebooks with plain paper on the inside. We got ours in the art section of Hobby Lobby; however, I have also seen people use cardstock and cut it to the size of their choice. While at Hobby Lobby, we also picked up stickers that both kids wanted to use to decorate their individual books. Princesses for our daughter and a mix of Star Wars and Mickey Mouse for our son were their selections.
Daughter Determining Her Font and Color
The first thing that they had to do was to type their names out on the computer. One would think that this would be a quick and simple process; however, I learned otherwise. Both of them had to go through all of the different fonts to try them out and also wanted to try out all of the different colors. Once they made a decision we printed them out on white cardstock.
Daughter Matching Colors and Stickers
From here, they picked what background color they wanted to use to add some color to the book. As much as I wanted to choose for them (matching the font or the stickers) I let them choose all on their own. We then measured and trimmed out the color page to be around an inch smaller than the autograph book itself. We then used scrapbooking squares to attach the white paper to the colored and then the colored to the autograph book itself.
Choosing Stickers
Once these were attached, they were able to add stickers to their book to add some Disney magic to them. Again, I wanted to help so much, but I resisted and let them make the book their own.
Both Kids Helping Mod Podge
Once everything was decorated and completed, we used mod podge to seal it all together. We did multiple coats (letting it dry 15-20 minutes in between) and this seemed to seal it overall.
Daughter’s Finished Product
Son’s Finished Product
This was a fun, family activity that brought a little Disney Magic to our weekend and helped us get even more excited for our trip. We will be working on a countdown chain, calendar and mousekeeping envelopes. Look for those posts here in the next few weeks.
What is your favorite way to collect autographs? Share in the comments section.