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Polynesian Resort Review

By Teresa Pitman Last February I was able to persuade my friend Lenore and her son Liam to visit WDW with me. It would be her very first trip – I know, I was shocked too – and I wanted to make sure she had a great time. My planning worked perfectly – by day five […]

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Faltering Economy? Bagram Troops Still Capitalize on R&R Time

by Tech. Sgt. Kevin Wallace CJTF-101 Public Affairs Staff Sgt. Steven Ferretti and Sgt. Tyler Fernlund, entry control point Soldiers based at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, stand guard duty. Despite a weak economy and soaring fuel prices, service members are still traveling and taking vacations while on rest and recuperation leave. (U.S. Army photo/Spc. Scott […]

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Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort: Our First Journey “Home”

By Lindsey Tullier “Welcome home!” greeted the cast member at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort in Walt Disney World. I had dreamed of hearing those words for years, and now it was finally happening. It was indeed a magical moment. My family, consisting of myself, my husband, our two-year-old son, and my husband’s parents, had finally […]

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A Trip Report from Tokyo

By Terrie Yamamoto We went to Tokyo DisneySea on Tuesday, June 17, 2008. We had just come back from Walt Disney World in January, so we decided to only go to Tokyo DisneySea and not Tokyo Disneyland. I have heard that the weekends (just as in America) are very crowded. We didn’t see as many […]

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Traveling to the World with Special Needs

By Erica Colmenares Here at Magically Speaking, we often get questions from families with children who have special needs. Honestly, almost every family has some kind of special needs, from mild to challenging, from easier obstacles like picky eaters to more serious situations involving health issues. Two specific issues that come up a lot are […]

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Let the Holiday Planning Begin

By Erica Colmenares t’s June and it’s hot. So what better time to look ahead to a cold-weather vacation at Disney World? Disney has released information on events and hours for November and December, and we’ve compiled them here for your planning pleasure. MouseFest We’ll start with the event nearest and dearest to our hearts, […]