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Caring for the Animals at WDW Part 1: Welcome, Baby: Disney’s Animal Breeding Programs

By Teresa Pitman Last December, I had the opportunity to interview some of the Disney Cast Members involved in animal care for a magazine article. It was a great experience (the highlight was riding the Kilimanjaro Safaris area in one of the keepers’ vehicles, going off the track, and getting close-up looks at many of […]

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Fort Wilderness Cabins: My Kind of Camping

By Teresa Pitman Although I love nature and the outdoors, I’ve never been a camper. Sure, I told my family, I’d be happy to camp if there was air conditioning, a real bathroom with all the modern conveniences, a comfy bed, maybe even maid service — all without the hassles of driving an RV. Well, […]

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Disney with Teens

By Teresa Pitman You may be shocked by this, but I managed to find a 13-year-old boy who had never been to WDW. I know, it’s a little horrifying to think that any child could be so deprived. Even worse, he’s the son of one of my closest friends. Clearly, some sort of intervention was […]

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By Teresa Pitman The King Edward Hotel in downtown Toronto is just what you might imagine from the name – an elegant, historic building that’s hosted many special events over the years. On Thursday, September 18, it added one more to its roster: a Disney press event to announce the plans for 2009. The doormen […]

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Polynesian Resort Review

By Teresa Pitman Last February I was able to persuade my friend Lenore and her son Liam to visit WDW with me. It would be her very first trip – I know, I was shocked too – and I wanted to make sure she had a great time. My planning worked perfectly – by day five […]

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Disney Animals

By Teresa Pitman I’m a huge animal-lover, but when I first heard that Disney was planning to open a park featuring live animals, I was actually more concerned than excited. I admired Disney’s ability to create and run theme parks, but I’d been to other “animal parks” where the treatment of the animals left me […]