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Disney Animals

By Teresa Pitman I’m a huge animal-lover, but when I first heard that Disney was planning to open a park featuring live animals, I was actually more concerned than excited. I admired Disney’s ability to create and run theme parks, but I’d been to other “animal parks” where the treatment of the animals left me […]

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Disney Cruise Line FAQ

Compiled By Carol Garcia As gas prices soar and prices of transportation go up, many of us are taking a closer look at how to best spend our vacation dollars. Do we drive or fly? Do we stay local or go farther away? Do we go budget, or spend a little more to guarantee a […]

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The Palo Experience

By Chris Johnson There are lots of great places to eat aboard Disney’s two ships (what do they put in those burgers to make them so delicious, anyway?), but there is only one restaurant where adults can sneak away for a romantic meal alone: Palo. To say that I love this restaurant would be a […]

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A Babymoon Trip to Disneyland

By Kate Abbott I learned that I was pregnant the day before my Christmastime trip to Disneyland, and my husband and I spent pretty much the entire trip marveling at our good fortune, pointing at all the cute kids we saw in the parks, and looking for snacks that wouldn’t make me nauseous. Once I […]

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Planning 101

By Carol Garcia In the course of collecting questions for Magically Speaking, sometimes we find that some questions require a little more discussion. In this case, we had one reader, Nancy, write in with many frequently asked questions. So, in order to help Nancy, and likely a lot of other planning novices, we will go […]

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Disney’s Chief Magic Official

I’m a sucker for a good Disney contest. And when the search for Disney’s first-ever Chief Magic Official was announced, I was all over it. Until I read the rules, and saw that I would have to submit video. No thanks – I prefer the click-and-enter type of competition. So I shifted gears, and waited […]