Looking for an affordable way to have some matching shirts on your next Disney Parks vacation? Just love Disney & want a homemade shirt that is simple, affordable & will withstand wear & tear? These shirts have lasted my family for years of Disney vacations. Try out these DIY Disney Silhouette Shirts!

What you’ll need to make DIY Disney Silhouette Shirts:
- Dark coloured T-Shirt
- Spray bottle
- Bleach
- Printed Silhouette of your favorite Disney character
- Straight Pins
- Cardstock Paper
- Scissors
- Access to a printer/computer
- An old towel
Step 1:
Find a silhouette of your favorite Disney character! A quick google search should help! That’s where I found all of mine for this project. Find your image, make sure it is nothing too details, just a simple silhouette. Print it on cardstock paper & cut it out. Set it aside until you need it.
Step 2:
Fill your spray bottle with bleach. Don’t add water, or any other additive, just straight bleach! Set it aside until you need it later in the process.
Step 3:
Place your old towel or rag in between the back of the shirt & front of the shirt, so it’s on the inside. This is to ensure the bleach does not go through to the back. Lay your shirt on a flat surface and ensure there are no wrinkles. Then, take your silhouette print out & use straight pins to adhere it to the shirt. Make sure the pins are along the edges, but doesn’t cover the shirt itself. Make sure it is secure & the shirt is wrinkle free.
Step 4:
Spray your bleach all over the front of the shirt liberally. Be careful not to concentrate too much of the spray in the one area, we are going for a splashed/dropped paint look. You want enough so that the silhouette is visible, but not so much that the entire shirt becomes a different colour.
Step 5:
Remove the paper silhouette & voila! Let the shirt dry & there you have it! A cute, simple shirt, which is (believe it or not!) washer safe! I absolutely love this craft & I hope you do too! We get countless compliments on these when we wear them to the parks & on the cruise!!

Have you made any DIY Disney shirts? Of if you try to make these DIY Disney Silhouette Shirts, show us your work on Facebook or Twitter !
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