If you’ve ever stayed at a Walt Disney World Resort and turned on the TV, you’ve met Stacy (and if you haven’t, here’s a link). Stacy is the host of the “Walt Disney World Must Do’s” which features all of the rides and attractions that you “must do” while at WDW. Stacy is so much a part of my family’s Disney vacation that, by the end of the week, my family is saying her lines before every ride (“Test Track, baby!” and “Hey, Sully you big lug” are my family’s favorites).
But before you go to Disney, allow me to suggest a “must do” of my own … buy the Birnbaum Guide to Walt Disney World before you go!
If you are going to WDW for the first time, you need this book! It has helpful information on planning your trip, such as best times to go and what to bring. It has information on all of the rides, attractions, restaurants and resorts. There are helpful tips that save you both time and money (and that is important when visiting Mickey). There are even coupons in the back of the book. While at the parks, take it with you. You won’t believe how beneficial it will be for your first Walt Disney World vacation.
If you are like me and have been to the parks multiple times, the book is still a huge help. I like to try different things when going back to Walt Disney World. Birnbaum’s Guide updates every year, so if it is new to WDW, it will be in the book. Birnbaum’s Guide introduced me to the backstage tours. I read about the Backstage Safari in Animal Kingdom and knew it was something I had to do (more on this in an upcoming blog). Did you know you could rent jet skis? Go horseback riding? Get a massage? Yep, it’s all in the book.
Do you enjoy eating at Walt Disney World as much as riding? There is a section in the guide devoted to places to eat. Whether you are in the mood for a character meal, quick counter service, or a snack, Birnbaum’s Guide to Walt Disney World has you covered. Do you want to know where to get the best ice cream? There’s a list for that. Do your kids want to eat breakfast with Mickey? Birnbaum’s Guide has a list of character meals and the characters that will be there (disclaimer: characters subject to change). My favorite list is “best restaurants for adults.” My wife and I have never actually eaten at any of these places, but we’ve added it as a Disney “must do” for the future.
Sponsored Ad: Would you like to help support The Mouse For Less website in continuing their mission of being THE Disney vacation planning resource? You can do so by purchasing Birnbaum’s Guide to Walt Disney World from our affiliate link through Amazon.