Building a lightsaber will likely be a hugely popular experience for Guests visiting Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Guests looking to create their own customized version will be able to do so at Savi’s Workshop.
When Guests enter the shop, they will encounter the Gatherers. These individuals have dedicated their lives to restoring balance in the galaxy by passing on their knowledge of the Force and the ancient ways of the Jedi. They will be your guide in your creation of your own customized lightsaber. During the building process, you will need to choose from one of four available hilt themes. You’ll also receive a cloisonné pin to help identify your selection, which will come into play later.
Those four themes are:
- Peace and Justice: Salvaged scraps from fallen Jedi temples and crashed starships in these Republic-era designs honor the galaxy’s former guardians.
- Power and Control: Originally forged by dark side warriors, this style features rumored remnants from the Sith homeworld and abandoned temples.
- Elemental Nature: This theme embodies the Force—an energy created by all living things, like Brylark trees, Cartusion whale bones and Rancor teeth.
- Protection and Defense: Hilt materials bear mysterious motifs and inscriptions that reconnect users with the ancient wellspring of the Force.
When you have picked the theme you want for your hilt, the Gatherers will now help you select the heart of the lightsaber, the kyber crystal. You can choose from the following colors: red, blue, green or violet.
It’s then time to assemble your hilt and the parts that will be provided to you will be based on your theme and cloisonné pin. Each box of parts includes:
- 1 hilt
- 4 sleeves (you’ll pick 2)
- 2 emitters (you’ll pick 1)
- 2 pommel caps (you’ll pick 1)
- 2 sets of activation plates and switches (you’ll pick 1 set)
Upon completion of your hilt, the unused parts will be collected by the Gatherers and returned to Savi’s inventory. (You don’t get to keep the unused parts.) Finally, the Gatherers will connect your hilt to a 36” lightsaber blade.
Your lightsaber will be $199.99 plus tax and will include a carrying case. Custom lightsabers are nonrefundable and are not eligible for Annual Passholder or other discounts. Additional customization items will be able to be purchased at Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities
Disney does recommend Guests be 5 years old or older to participate in this experience and the area is limited to the builder and one Guest.
The Savi’s Workshop Handbuilt Lightsabers experience is subject to availability and reservations may be required to be able to build one.
Incoming search terms:
- galaxy edge lightsaber creater