On my family’s second trip to WDW, our boys were six and four-years-old. Our first visit had been two years before, and everything had been truly magical. The children were in awe of all the sights and activities. There were no disappointments and no complaints. Naively, I expected the same attitudes, reactions, and dispositions in my precious boys the second time around, but I was in for a rude awakening.

My sweet little boys, while at the happiest place on earth, were complaining!!! I was shocked and disappointed. Our very first day, which was actually an evening in the Magic Kingdom, included a surprising amount of whining and complaining. The boys had decided that they did not want to be in the Magic Kingdom. They wanted to be in Epcot riding Mission Space, but mean ol’ mommy had forced them into Magic Kingdom, torturing them with rides like Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin and the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway.
Although I tried not to show my inner feelings, for fear I would make matters worse, I was livid on the inside! Why weren’t they happy? The Magic Kingdom IS magical! Why wasn’t it enough? Other kids would give their right arm to be at the Magic Kingdom. What was wrong with my children? Had they no sense of gratitude? Where had I gone wrong?
My husband and I talked with the boys and pointed out their bad attitudes several times that first evening and on into day two of our trip. We tried to help them become grateful and happy and enjoy the activities at hand. We talked with them about their heart attitudes. By day 3, their attitudes were improving. But I was still confused.
Throughout the week, I kept thinking about Disney being “the happiest place on earth.” I wondered why there were so many kids crying in this happy place? Why did I hear angry, frustrated parents speaking sternly to their kids? Could there a better place to take your family? I thought about these questions a lot and decided that there isn’t really a better place on earth.
There is no place that has no crying or whiny or anger or frustration. The only place that doesn’t have any of that baggage is heaven. The Bible tells us that in heaven God will wipe every tear from our eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will be passed away (Revelation 21:3&4). Now that’s a vacation destination! That is a place I’d like to take my children. It will be even better than Disney World!
When we go to WDW, I do a TON of pre-trip planning. I book our restaurant ADR’s, plan which days we will spend in which parks, map out touring plans for each day, and get the whole family walking together months before our trip. I even color-coordinate our T-shirts for each day.
In light of all my Disney planning, I had to ask myself, “How well am I preparing my family for heaven?” It’s true that we can’t watch a travel DVD about heaven, but we can read a guidebook. I can read the Bible with my family and study what it has to say about heaven. I could easily spend a whole day, more than one, reading about and planning for Disney. But this question struck me, “Do I ever spend days reading and planning for heaven?” I go to great lengths to prepare my kids for our Disney vacation. Where is my urgency in teaching them about heaven?
And what about the reservations? I’ve made my reservations for heaven. I believe John 3:16 and have a personal relationship with Jesus. I am not perfect, but I know he loves me flaws and all. I am teaching my children how they can have their own relationship with Jesus. I can’t buy their ticket to heaven for them, but I can point them in the right direction and teach them that Jesus came to earth and died in order to make a way for us to enter heaven. Jesus told his disciples that in his Father’s house are many mansions and he was going there to prepare a place for them (John 14:2). He has a place for everyone, who believes in him and makes him the Lord of their lives.
I am eager and excited to tell people about WDW and to help them plan their trip. I love to talk about Disney! And I want my Disney planning to remind and encourage me to plan for eternity. I want to be as excited to tell people about heaven—about how much Jesus loves them—as I am to tell them about Disney. So thanks, WDW, for making me think about heaven.
Incoming search terms:
- https://www themouseforless com/blog_world/how-wdw-made-me-think-about-heaven/
- About disney world magic world heaven
- Disney world heaven
You made me cry and think. Thanks for the fabulous lesson!
Adrianne, I am overwhelmed by your words of wisdom! Isn’t it wonderful when the Lord speaks to us. He doesn’t have to, but He chooses to. What an amazing opportunity that you have to share what the Lord spoke to you about. I faced a similar situation a few weeks ago. Actually, I wasn’t at WDW but I was planning a vacation for a new client who had contacted me and said they had heard that if they wanted to book a Disney vacation – I was the best person for the job. Of course that made me feel great and I boasted a little in that (to myself of course) but as I was enjoying that wonderful comment I thought to myself – “so I’ve accomplished it, when people think of Disney, they think of me and when people think of me, they think of Disney!! Awesome!!” but that thought came only for a second when the Lord reminded me that I shouldn’t be so proud of that but instead I should desire that when people think of me they think of Him and my desire to serve Him.
What a stirring that caused in my heart and soul. Sure, it’s ok for people to think of me when they want to plan their next Disney vacation. I want them to, but when they think of me or hear my name, the first thing that I want them to think of is my Lord!!
Thank you so much for that reminder of His goodness and His love for His children. You helped me put things back in perspective again. I needed your reminder. Have a blessed day!
Thank you, Kim & Monday, for your comments. I was a bit nervous about how this post would be received. God has used your words to encourage me:-)
Thanks for sharing! Great post full of truth!
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing. I needed the exact same reminder- so THANK YOU for reminding me.
What a great posting! I’m a Christian also, and share your faith. WDW is the most wonderful place on earth, but can you imagine a place without end that is beyond anything any imagineer can create! Wow! Keep on writin’ you have my support all the way! ;{)
This is awesome! I was just thinking the same thing the other day. It’s wounderful how God works! Thank you very much!!!
WOW!!!!!! What a wonderful testimony, You go girl. How true those words are, and may all that read your blog. Stop and think on these things. Only one life and soon will pass, only what’s done for Christ will last. We are proud of you,
What a wonderful, thoughtful, thought-provoking comparison… Thank you for sharing and causing me to think of what I am sharing in my world of contacts. (I am sharing an awesome daughter!)