From Mickey Bars to Dole Whips to pastries around World Showcase, Disney World snacks are some of the best. While some of the most famous options may be off limits for those food allergies or other dietary restrictions, there are still plenty of good (and Mickey shaped options).
Snacks with Character
Disney has recently launched the Snacks with Character line. This line is available in many of the parks and resort gift shops and counter service and is aimed at special diets AND healthy eating. Many of the snacks are re-branded version of WOW Gluten Free cookies or Enjoy Life cookies, chocolate, and trail mix. As a result, many of these products are safe for those with common food allergies. Unfortunately because of the rebranding, it is not possible to look at the package and know if it is safe or not. So as with any other product look at the ingredients label on the back.
Don’t forget classic Disney snacks
A few of the classic Disney snacks are safe for most with food allergies. The infamous soft serve Dole Whip is free of the top 8 allergens and Disney World takes extra steps to try to prevent any potential cross-contamination with the vanilla soft serve. Similarly the Mickey pretzels are dairy, tree-nut, and peanut free. Also the popcorn Disney serves at it’s popcorn cart is vegan and safe for dairy and egg allergies. As always ask before you try, but Disney does tend to be consistent with its recipes.

Use quick service restaurants for snacks
Most of the carts and stands have info cards with their ingredients, but they will not have a chef to speak to. If you feel more comfortable ordering after speaking to a chef, most quick service restaurants will have snack options and more detailed allergy menus.
Be a little adventurous
Having food allergies does not mean being stuck with the same snacks you might find at home. There are some fun options throughout the World Showcase you can try. Yes, the bakeries are basically off limits, but there are other options that can let you try a taste of those countries. In France, L’Artisan des Glaces has multiple flavors of sorbet that they store separately to help prevent cross contamination. These flavors are typically top 8 or top 8 except soy free. In Japan, Kakigori at Kabuki Cafe is free of most allergens when done without the sweet milk topping options. While I haven’t tried it, I have heard the Tangerine Cafe in Morocco has some good allergy friendly options. If you’re willing to wait, they can do amazing allergy-friendly (dedicated fryer) chips at Yorkshire Fish and Chips in the UK.

Treat yourself to a visit to Erin McKenna’s Bakery
Erin McKenna’s Bakery is a dedicated gluten free, vegan (dairy and egg free) bakery at Disney Springs. They don’t declare themselves nut-free because of a potential cross-contamination warning on Bob’s Red Mill flour and the use of coconut, but they do not serve any nut or peanut products in there shop. (A full policy is available in shop and as someone with an anaphylactic Almond allergy I personally feel safe eating their products.) For anyone who’s used to being left out of a bakery, it’s an emotional experience. You can even get dairy-free soft-serve and milkshakes. (I may or may not have cried over this.)

This concludes my series on Disney World with food allergies. Please check out the prior parts on planning, table service, and quick service with food allergies. I’ll also be covering food allergies and special diets at Universal Orlando soon.
What tips do you have for those traveling to Walt Disney World with food allergies who are looking to enjoy a Disney snack? Share in the comments.
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- https://www themouseforless com/blog_world/walt-disney-world-with-food-allergies-tips-snacks/#:~:text=Similarly the Mickey pretzels are better when its Mickey-shaped!
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- https://www themouseforless com/blog_world/walt-disney-world-with-food-allergies-tips-snacks/#:~:text=Dont forget classic Disney snacks&text=Similarly the Mickey pretzels are for dairy and egg allergies
- https://www themouseforless com/blog_world/walt-disney-world-with-food-allergies-tips-snacks/#:~:text=Dont forget classic Disney snacks&text=Similarly the Mickey pretzels are be consistent with its recipes
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Hello. I’ve been trying to confirm that the mickey soft pretzels are made in a peanut free facility. Where did you get your information from?
The box of the pretzels (prior to cooking/heating) has only the allergy warning contains wheat. There is no may contain or made in a factory with warning. I know from Allergy Free Mouse and other food allergy related boards many with peanut allergies that have eaten them. But as with all allergy related eating, you should act in accordance with your own comfort and double check that a recipe has not changed. The box states they are made by J & J Snack Foods in Pennsauken, NJ.
Thank you for your reply & info. I will definitely follow up with J& J snacks!
You should know that Dole Whip actually contains CASEIN, which is a milk protein derivative, so it is absolutely not safe for guests with a milk allergy, which is in the top 8!
Allergymama- that is incorrect or it has changed since May. The pineapple one is vegan. Now unfortunately they share a machine with vanilla so there is a new risk of cross-contamination. This is based on the ingredients book in May.
I did confirm with JJ Snacks that they do manufactured the mickey-shaped soft pretzels for Walt Disney World. While JJ snacks does not have a peanut free facility the pretzels are made on a dedicated line that do not come into contact with peanuts. Of course, as a concerned mom, I always advise everyone to do their own double-checking as things change and safety is always the number one priority!
My daughter is allergic to nuts and eggs!
This is weird because she can eat doughnuts, which are fried.
She can also have nuggets and anything else that is fried!
When it comes to birthdays, she only has ice cream cakes. She can eat icing off regular cakes though. Just a thought!