Disney’s Hollywood Studios is Star Wars central at Walt Disney World, especially with the current construction of the new land, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. One of the most interactive Star Wars experiences in the park is Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. Here younglings can begin their Jedi training and learn to combat the dark side. May the Force be with you always!
Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple is an interactive outdoor stage show at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. It is located right between the Backlot Express Restaurant and Star Tours: The Adventures Continue. There are typically 12-15 performances of this show daily.
Jedi Training: Trials of Temple began as a part of Star Wars Weekends, but became a fixture in 2007 due to the show’s immense popularity. The show was expanded in 2015 to include a second villain, the Seventh Sister. This expansion increased the number of kids that could participate each day. When Jedi Training debuted children were picked out of the crowd at random, as the popularity of this show has grown it has become necessary to sign up to participate (see Signing Up).
The Jedi Training experience is complete with sound effects, lighting, and real actors. The show begins as all of the younglings are brought on stage in Jedi robes and are given plastic lightsabers. The Jedi master begins their training by teaching them all a series of strikes, parries, and stabs.
Soon the younglings are put to the test as Darth Vader and the Seventh Sister attempt to sway the children to the dark side. Each child gets to battle a villain individually and make their choice to stand strong against the dark side. The show ends as the villains are defeated and the children all receive certificates. A PhotoPass photographer is present at every Jedi Training to document the younglings progress. Typically a card will be issued to each guest with the photos taken during training.
Jedi Training is fun for all ages. The kids who get to participate all seem to enjoy themselves and definitely create a magical memory. The show is also quite entertaining and the added spontaneity of having 30 kids on stage means every show is somewhat unique. If you are walking by as the Jedi Training experience is beginning be sure to stop and watch; you’re sure to enjoy the show.

Signing Up
To participate in the Jedi Training, younglings must sign-up first thing in the morning. Once a child is signed up to participate, Guests are free to enjoy the park, but should return about 30 minutes prior to the show.
Sign-ups for Jedi Training-Trials of the Temple begin early in the morning each day. It has been reported that occasionally guests have been able to sign up before the park even opens. If this is the case, Cast Members at the gate will have signs directing guests which way to go in order to sign up. Typically sign-ups are located at the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost which is nearby the stage for Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple. If participating in Jedi Training is very important to your child, be sure to sign up EARLY. This show is very popular and often fills to capacity quickly during the day.
Children must be between the ages of 4 and 12 to participate in Jedi Training and in order to sign up, the children wishing to participate must be present.
If all shows have reached capacity for the day before your child is able to sign up, you can be placed on a waiting list. Your child will be assigned a number and can show up 30 minutes prior to any show to see if there are any spots available. Any children that are present from the waiting list will fill in extra spots based upon their waiting list number. For example, if kids with the numbers 2, 8, and 15 are present then child 2 will have priority then child 8 and 15. It is not uncommon for there to be available spots. Sign-ups happen early in the day and as guests tour the park things may happen that distract from taking part in the Jedi Training experience. Don’t give up hope if your child is put on a waiting list, remember, “Rebellions are built on hope.”
One way to guarantee your child a spot in the Jedi Training Academy is to participate in the Star Wars Guided Tour at Hollywood Studios. This 7 hour tour allows guests to enjoy a day full of Star Wars Adventures. The tour wraps up with the Jedi Training Experience. The tour costs $92.95 and reservations are required.
After becoming Jedi, children may be interested in purchasing their own lightsabers or Jedi robes. All of the necessary accouterments of a Jedi can be found in Tattooine Traders at the exit to Star Tours. At Tattoine Traders, children can build their own lightsaber or droid and find the perfect Jedi robe to complete their training. Most Star Wars gear can be found at Tattooine Traders, but there is also a selection of Star Wars merchandise at Star Wars Launch Bay. If you cannot find the droids you are looking for try the ShopParks app (available from Apple or on GooglePlay) or ask a Cast Member.